3 -Step "Total Gut Restoration" Process

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Here's what others are saying:

“My ah-ha moment was hearing that yeast feeds the methanogens and I loved the presentation because it mirrors my experience on this SIBO journey.  I feel SOOO validated! Thanks and keep up this much needed work. Sending blessings to you all :-)” - MaryAnn

“Thanks! That was an amazing presentation which answered my concerns about cholesterol and probiotics.” - Kathleen

Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan is a SIBO SOS™ fan favorite and the creator of truly gut-changing supplements like Megaspore and Mega IGG.

In this webinar, Kiran walks us through his 3 -step "Total Gut Restoration" process. You'll learn about the differences between a healthy and unhealthy gut and how his 3-step process helps heal the gut.

Q&A With Kiran Krishnan

After the webinar (watch it by clicking on the video above), Kiran was gracious enough to answer questions submitted by viewers when the webinar was live. Here are those questions and answers:

Leigh-Anne C. Is this something we should do during treatment or after?

Kiran Krishnan (KK): This will be a critical part of your treatment, so you would start it during.

Elena V. Thanks for your products!! I have methane sibo and am starting another round of antimicrobials. I started using megaigg, megaspore and restoreflora. My gut likes them. What products should take while taking antimicrobials can I continue use of megaigg, megaspore and restoreflora or should I add something else

KK: Yes, you can continue to use those while on antimicrobials. I would recommend adding in the MegaGuard to address bile flow issues, gastric emptying and HCL production. 

Pam M. Does Mega prebiotic have dairy in it? Or Casein?

KK: No, it doesn’t. Although the oligosaccharide is from dairy, there are no dairy proteins or fat in it. The oligosaccharides are purified extracts.

Ingrid W. If we are someone who can not take supplements easily and have to try micro doses. How long can we take micro doses of Mega IGG? Is it something you can stay on long term?

KK: Absolutely, there is no risk, only benefit. 

Pam M. Why are immunoglobulins low with leaky gut?

KK: Because of systemic inflammation and compromised immunity. 

Laurie B. P. Can SIBO ever truly be cured or is it life management once you've been diagnosed?

KK: I absolutely believe it can be cured. There is a mechanism that causes it and its not genetic. If we address that mechanism, it can be reversed. Unfortunately, more often than not, the root causes are not being addressed. 

Glaucia S. L. What are the best digestive enzymes and probiotic strains for SIBO? KK: Digest Gold from Enzymedica would be fine and use HU58, RestorFlora and Megasporebiotic for probiotics. 

Jeanette F.  Jeanette in Stockholm, Sweden here. Is Kiran Krishnan in touch with any Swedish researchers/MDs?

KK: Hi, not in Sweden.

Mary Kay A. Question: How will MegaPreBiotic affect me, given that oligosaccharides are the fodmaps to which I seem to be particularly sensitive?

KK: These are longer chains and should have less negative impact. However, go slow, use as little as ¼ of a scoop per day to start. But remember to use it after 4 weeks of the probiotic. If you have been on low FODMAP, your large intestinal bacterial are starving for fermentable carbohydrates, which are critical for maintaining gut and immune health. 

Marilyn M. Can one take the IgG product continuously with no side effects? Should it be discontinued gradually?

KK: You can absolutely take it continuously. Should you want to stop, you do not have to discontinue gradually. 

Glaucia S. L. What test is recommended to found out this problem?

KK: The problem is complex and multifactorial, if you are referring to leaky gut and barrier dysfunction. There isn’t a single test for it. You can rest assured that if you have health issues, there is a high likelihood that the gut lining is compromised. 

Robin L. C.  I had been taking Megaspore and Megaprebiotic for several months. On a recent GI Map my "Bacillus spp" was flagged high. Do you think that's a problem? Can you overdo it with the spores?

KK: The GI Map test is archaic, inaccurate and not validated in any study. Their arbitrary flagging of strains as “high” or “low” is nonsensical. Bacillus is normally in the gut at 1X10^6 cfu/g of stool, so their threshold for “high” is way off. These strains are also transient, so they don’t accumulate beyond a certain level.

Marilyn M. I see that there are citrus flavinoids and lemonade flavoring in the Megamucsa. Will this trigger histamine reactions in sensitive people?

KK: We have not seen that at all. 

Susan G.I recently started a regime by my nutritionist for healing my gut. Started taking Aloe Vera Gel beginning of September; 2-3 Tbsp a day. I just got back my full Metabolic lab tests today, and my liver tests (AST/ALT) are extremely elevated (I am not at risk for hepatitis, I don't drink any alcohol, and don't take Tylenol). I searched online and it says that Aloe Vera Gel can cause adverse liver toxicity?!

KK: That may be true, but I haven't researched aloe and liver health. Leaky gut is also a big driver of liver toxicity. It is important to use a clinically studied solution for gut healing, you should consider the Total Gut Restoration.

Robin L. C. Do you think that the GI Map is a reliable indicator for Zonulin? My symptoms say my gut is leaky, but zonulin marker is well within range. Also, I was on Megapore and Megaprebiotic for several months. My Akkermansia was still below detectable levels. Shouldn't it be detectable by now?

KK: The test is virtually useless in detecting strains with any accuracy and Zonulin is only partially correlated with leaky gut. Use a more accurate whole-genome sequencing test to more accurately detect to the species level. Tests are not the be all end all in functional medicine, follow your symptoms and how you feel as well. 

Marilyn M. Will your protocols help with longstanding autoimmune

KK: Leaky gut is a major driver of autoimmune conditions, the protocol is designed to fix leaky gut, so it should be an important part of supporting your immune system. 

May S. F.  I am currently taking megaspore and IGG for Sibo. Will I kill my good bacteria by consuming antibacterial foods like onions garlic and coconut oil, even if well tolerated? 

KK: Coconut oil will likely kill good bacteria, I would use is sparingly, the rest of the foods are ok.

Glaucia S. L. Having SIBO does it mean there is Leaky Gut?

KK: Almost certainly. 

May S. F.  And, is it true that sugar substitutes like Splenda can affect gut bacteria adversely, even affecting eyes?

KK: Not sure about eyes, but certainly gut diversity.

Glaucia S. L. Can we measure LPS in a blood test?

KK: In a lab, yes. Not in a doctors office. 

Marilyn M. Will the Mega Mycobalance assist in eliminating a systemic fungal infection?

KK: It is designed to do so. We have had success with it in people with localized and systemic issues. 

Sonja P.  Why does megaspore increase the keystone strains?

KK: Absolutely, then the addition of MegaPreBiotic increases them further. 

Ingrid W. If we can't take Megaspore at a micro dose or Just Thrive - can we try the prebiotic instead to try to work on the gut? Can this be a back door way to recondition and build good bacteria when we have tried over months to get on the probiotics but it was too stimulating.

KK: Sure. There is no issue there. 

Karen P. N.  I am on a probiotic that was supposedly made for me based on the study of my stool sample. Can I add Megasporebiotic and also your additional protocol while also on this custom probiotic? Can you use anything like Biocidin during this time for SIBO or will your protocol alone help SIBO?

KK: You can certainly use the total gut restoration as well, it will only help. Use that first and give it a single round (90 days), if the symptoms of SIBO are still present then, you can look at using Biocidin.

Jordan P. what if you have SIBO? can this get rid of id?

KK: SIBO is multifactorial, this targets key underlying causes, there may be a need for other interventions, but try the system first and see how you do. 

Katie J-E. Is it ok to start with intestinal mega mucosa when starting spore probiotic or does it hinder your outcome

KK: It is perfectly ok.

Sonja P. Do you distribute your products in Europe too, i.e. Germany? I could only find products in the US.

KK: Yes, either from Romania or the UK. Look at www.microbiomelabs.co.uk

Eliza D.is it ok to just take the megasporebiotic and megaiGG2000 or do i need the rebuild and reinforce too

KK: Ideally you would do all 3 steps, but if you do just the probiotic and MegaIGG, you will see significant benefit as well. 

Sonja P.  Do the spores settle in the colon or they are just transient - so they get excreted with a bowel movement?

They stay for about 21 days and then leave. 

Sonja P. I can barely tolerate any carbs. Do you recommend taking more than two capsules of megaspore in such cases?

KK: Go slow and build up to 2 caps. Once you are there, you can go beyond 2 to 3 or 4 to see if the extra dosing will help.

Michele V. Pimentel said not to take probiotics if we have SIBO, don’t add more bacteria to the situation. Don’t do this if we have SIBO?!

KK: He isn’t referring to spores and he doesn’t study probiotics. Spores can actually bring down the growth of bacteria in the small intestines. 

Katie J-E. What do you do if you have low lactobacillus buts have SIBO os ok to just do megaspore and not lactobacillus

KK: Megaspore increases your natural lactobacillus, so it will take care of that issue. 

Kristie R. Why are spore based probiotics listed as opportunistic in a GI Map?

KK: Because its an archaic test and is poorly designed. They clearly haven’t read studies on microbiome commensals and composition. Numerous studies clearly define bacillus as a commensal and a keystone genus. 

Jeanette F. Chronic constipation? Take full program?

KK: Yup. You should see improvement even in the first month. 

Katie J-E. How do you increase lactobacillus bacteria (especially for women) if they are low in lactobacillus but have SIBO and are taking megaspore

KK: Megaspore has been shown in a published study to increase lactobacillus. 

Sonja P. Is it possible that the spores could settle in the small intestine - when the conditions are favorable for the spores - like in case of SIBO?

KK: They do function in the small intestine, but once there they modulate the immune response and they bring down the growth of over-grown bacteria.

Glaucia S. L. How to revert it and have a healthy connexion with brain and gut?

KK: You have to fix leaky gut. 

Andrea Beth T. can they break through biofilm?

KK: Yes

Sonja P. Sometimes the spores can turn pathogenic, what helps the most from your experience to get the situation under control in such a case?

KK: They cannot turn pathogenic; this is a complete misnomer and simply false info that has been perpetuated by competitive probiotic companies. We would never develop and sell and product that could turn pathogenic. They have been completely gene sequenced, tested for virulence factors, etc. 

Sonja P. Is restore flora containing sacharomyces also good for constipation??

KK: It can be, yes. 

Sonja P. Do megaspore probiotics produce lactic acid?

KK: They produce L+ lactic acid which is then converted to butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids.

Sonja P. Do you have an idea why some people having SIBO can't tolerate any probiotics and some do? Apart from lactobacillus strains that assists building up secondary bile salts. What are the main reasons?

KK: It likely depends on the nature of their overgrowth, what kinds of microbes are overgrown and how the immune system is responding to the presence of those microbes. 

Sonja P. Do you know why Epstein Barr virus causes slowing down of the motor migrating complex and initiating SIBO?

KK: I have not seen good evidence that EPV slows down the MMC. 

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3 -Step "Total Gut Restoration" Process


Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan is a SIBO SOS™ fan favorite and the creator of truly gut-changing supplements like Megaspore and Mega IGG.

If you want to try Kiran’s 3-step Total Gut Restoration Protocol, he gave us an exclusive 15% off code!

First, register as a patient with patient direct code “SIBOSOS” HERE: https://sibosos.com/microbiome-labs (this is the first step – you can’t order directly from Microbiome labs unless you do this) 

Next, add the Total Gut Restoration products you’ll need for the protocol (3 bottles of Megaspore, 2 bottles of Mega Prebiotic, and 1 bottle of Mega Mucosa) to your cart.

Finally, enter code “GUTRESTORE15” at checkout. 

Want to try a different product? Register with patient direct code “SIBOSOS” HERE: https://sibosos.com/microbiome-labs, then use code “DIGESTIONSOS” for 15% off your entire order! But this coupon is one-time-use only, so load up your cart!

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