Finally - a new kind of help for the toughest SIBO cases and folks who have "tried it all" without success
Take the next steps, beyond antibacterial treatments and diet, to discover new approaches and ideas for solving the underlying causes and symptoms of tough SIBO cases.
Take a deep dive into some of the most exciting next steps in SIBO treatments in this information-packed class that covers many important tools for tough SIBO cases: Neural Therapy, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, and Functional Immunology, Peptides, EFT, and IgG.
Learn how an impaired limbic system (the reacting part of the brain) can lead to SIBO, and how recovering the limbic system through a program called Dynamic Neural Retraining Systems (DNRS) can ultimately help you recover from SIBO in this fast paced class from DNRS creator Annie Hopper. You’ll learn signs of limbic system damage - like food and multiple chemical sensitivities - and the 5 pillars of healing. Stay to the end for inspirational real-life stories of IBS and SIBO recovery after using DNRS.
Notes for INTRO:
Learn how an impaired limbic system (the reacting part of the brain) can lead to SIBO, and how recovering the limbic system through a program called Dynamic Neural Retraining Systems (DNRS) can ultimately help you recover from SIBO in this fast paced class from DNRS creator Annie Hopper. You’ll lea…
Learn about Neural therapy - the injection of local anesthetic into scar tissues - and how it can help resolve SIBO symptoms and underlying causes like adhesions and vagal nerve dysfunction - plus tons of other benefits. This is another underutilized - but long-used and safe! - treatment that can be revolutionary for patients. Injections sound scary? Dr. Hill breaks it down step by step with case studies to put you at ease.
This therapy addresses the root of SIBO: motility! Using low voltage alternating currencies, sine therapy works by stimulating the nerves as they enter the spine, leading to whole-body benefits - including better motility and lymphatic circulation. This class is short, but powerfully jam-packed with actionable information to get started with sine therapy yourself or with your patients.
What if there was a research-backed, non-invasive, drug-free treatment that worked for FIVE years to significantly reduce bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety and depression? Good news: there is! It’s hypnotherapy, specific to treating SIBO and IBS symptoms. Pioneered by leading IBS doctor Peter Whorwell, MD, this overlooked treatment is changing lives for people who have tried everything for symptoms relief without success. Learn how and why hypnotherapy works (no, it’s not because your symptoms are “all in your head”) and get the exact therapy script Dr. Whorwell uses with his many patients in this Masterclass.
What if there was a research-backed, non-invasive, drug-free treatment that worked for FIVE years to significantly reduce bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety and depression? Good news: there is! It’s hypnotherapy, specific to treating SIBO and IBS symptoms. Pioneered by leading IBS docto…
Adhesions, the tough bands of scar tissues caused by surgery or injury, used to be one of the causes of SIBO that couldn’t be easily treated. The only option was more surgery - which often made the situation worse! But all that changed with the development of the research-proven Clear Passage Approach, which can actually break up adhesions with physical manipulation. Plus, 2 bonus mini classes.
Did SIBO treatment help you somewhat, but not all the way? This talk is for you. Learn how immunoglobulins work to stop irritation, give the gut lining time to heal, and how that can benefit people with SIBO and other gut issues from expert doctor Leonard Weinstock, in an interview with Dr. Allison Siebecker and Shivn Sarna. You’ll get specific products, dosing, and sourcing recommendations if you want to try this treatment, too.
Peptide therapy can treat fistulas, pain, acid reflux, leaky gut and other symptoms and underlying causes of SIBO. Learn how peptide therapies work, what research has been done, exactly how to use them, and how to tell if this expensive therapy is working for you in this expert interview with Dr. Sam Rahbar by Dr. Allison Siebecker and Shivan Sarna.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is a tool that can reduce inflammation, stimulate the vagus nerve, help adhesions, rebalance the brain, and provide relief for SIBO! Whether you’ve tried FSM or have never heard of it before, you’ll leave this class with a deeper understanding of how and why it works - and for practitioners, the first 40 minutes give a deep-dive into Dr. McMakin's theories on the relationship between the brain, the vagus nerve, and SIBO underlying causes.
Want to know exactly how the brain and SIBO are connected? This class is for you! Take a deep dive into how brain dysfunction and trauma relate to SIBO, including Ashok's “amygdala/insula hypothesis for SIBO.” You’ll leave understanding how the tools Ashok uses to reprogram the brain - the “software” of the body. Stay to the end for a special program offer.
Are you (or your patient) an ultra-tough SIBO case, with symptoms that stick around, even after successful treatment? Learn why low dose immunotherapy (LDI) may be a solution for you in this class. Dr. Rade explains a new way of thinking about SIBO: as a sensitivity to bacteria that LDI can address. You’ll also learn more about the SIBO-histamine connection. Plus, hear real-life transformation stories from folks with stubborn SIBO who tried LDI.
Craniosacral is a form of bodywork - think massage or chiropractic - that can reduce pain and increase function, including for those with SIBO! This unique therapy can address both symptoms and underlying causes of SIBO, including adhesions and vagal nerve dysfunction. Learn about this underutilized tool from one of the leading practitioners, plus how to find a provider in your area.
Learn about the autonomic nervous system, which controls hormone release, the circulatory system, and more - and how disruptions to this system, called interference fields, can lead to disease states, and how neural therapy can help to heal interference fields. It sounds complex, but Dr. Gurevich makes it easy to understand in this class that will leave you with actionable knowledge.
Let’s dive into one of the most controversial topics in SIBO treatment: prebiotics! What does the new research say? How does a busy clinician with tough cases actually use these tools with success? Dr. Jacobi shares her clinical pearls, latest research, and case studies in this illuminating interview with Dr. Siebecker.
Learn why Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - also known as tapping - can benefit SIBO in this class from functional gastroenterology expert Dr. Sandberg-Lewis. You’ll leave with step-by-step EFT techniques you can use today, pressure points to balance for specific emotions and body parts, and 2 unexpected things that can help you work through daily emotions for better brain and gut health.
If you have a tough case of SIBO that won’t heal or comes right back, you might have considered treating biofilms… but what if even biofilm treatments failed? This is the talk for you! Dr. Anderson reveals his new bismuth anti-biofilm treatments that show incredible promise for treating advanced biofilms from any condition, including SIBO.
If you have a tough case of SIBO that won’t heal or comes right back, you might have considered treating biofilms… but what if even biofilm treatments failed? This is the talk for you! Dr. Anderson reveals his new bismuth anti-biofilm treatments that show incredible promise for treating advanced bio…
Have you heard about peptides, but aren’t totally sure what they are or how they could help you? Watch this class to get a complete understanding of what peptides are, how they can benefit people with SIBO, and the 3 peptides Dr. Christensen uses the most. Plus, what to watch out for when buying peptides (and the one place Dr. Christensen would never buy them!).
FAQ: Histamine and SIBO
Learn about the connection between histamines and SIBO, genetic links, signs and symptoms, and the supplements that may be able to help in this short-and-sweet class that clears up common misconceptions and provides hope for those struggling with histamine-related issues.
FAQ: Vitamin B12 and SIBO
There’s a sneaky reason you may be fatigued if you have SIBO: vitamin B12 deficiency! Learn which type of SIBO can potentially block this key nutrient, plus the right way to get tested and how to fix the problem, in this essential Masterclass for anyone with SIBO.
FAQ: Iron and SIBO
Learn the surprising truth about how SIBO bacteria can actually “eat” iron, plus how to get properly tested and supplement or modify your diet to keep iron levels in check in this concise and powerful class.
FAQ: Histamine and SIBO
Learn about the connection between histamines and SIBO, genetic links, signs and symptoms, and the supplements that may be able to help in this short-and-sweet class that clears up common misconceptions and provides hope for those struggling with histamine-related issues.
…Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Essential SIBO Treatment & Prevention Masterclass”
The right treatment for SIBO can take weeks, months, and even years off your recovery time. Unfortunately, few people get the right SIBO treatment for them the first time - or they’re treated only to have SIBO come back as soon as they stop supplements or a restricted diet. This Masterclass will end that cycle. Dr. Allison Siebecker shares the most current and effective SIBO treatments.. Questions about probiotics, diet, supplements, medication, and testing? Don’t miss this in-depth training. Includes 2 hours of bonus pre-recorded Q&A.
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Essential SIBO Treatment & Prevention Masterclass”
The right treatment for SIBO can take weeks, months, and even years off your recovery time. Unfortunately, few people get the right SIBO treatment for them the first time - or they’re treated only to have SI…
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Understanding & Applying the SIBO Diet Masterclass”
Stop wondering what to eat (and what to avoid!) when you have SIBO. Learn from the doctor who created the SIBO diet in this essential masterclass. Dr. Siebecker explains the intricacies of the SIBO diet and why it is the go-to SIBO symptom management option. After the Masterclass, stick around for 3 full hours of pre-recorded listener Q&A.
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Finding Your Underlying Cause of SIBO”
Learn the reasons why you have Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and how the root causes determine which treatments will and won't work in this essential Masterclass. Once you know your root case, you can better assess which new approaches and alternative treatments will be helpful for you, too. Includes 2 hours of bonus pre-recorded Q&A.
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Prokinetics 101: What’s In The Expert’s Toolkit Masterclass”
Prokinetics are a key tool in preventing SIBO relapse (or prolonging remission) that many practitioners weren’t trained in, and many patients aren’t offered. Join Dr. Siebecker, one of the top SIBO specialists in the world, as she shares how this underutilized class of drugs and formulas help relieve digestive symptoms such as acid reflux, nausea, bloating and constipation, and keeps SIBO in remission. Includes 2 hours of bonus pre-recorded Q&A.
Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc - “Prokinetics 101: What’s In The Expert’s Toolkit Masterclass”
Prokinetics are a key tool in preventing SIBO relapse (or prolonging remission) that many practitioners weren’t trained in, and many patients aren’t offered. Join Dr. Siebecker, one of the top SIBO…
Learn more about the common-yet-misunderstood condition of leaky gut - including the latest advancements in testing for and healing from this condition to benefit the gut overall.
Common biotoxins - like mold, candida, heavy metals, and Lyme - can wreak havoc on your health (including your gut health!) with issues like sleep disturbance, hormonal imbalance, and even SIBO and IBS. In this class, not only will you have your eyes opened to the many ways biotoxins can be hurting your health, but you’ll also get actionable steps for treating them - including an up-to-date overview of nasal peptides before the class is over.
In the Masterclass, Dr. Rao will be teaching about the relationship between SIBO, IBS, leaky gut, and other “unexplained GI symptoms” with Candida and SIFO (Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth). This is an especially important topic for anyone who has tried treating SIBO or IBS before, but never gotten complete relief of symptoms. If you can “get a little better” but not be TOTALLY well - this class is a must-see!